Master of Desire Read online

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  Lacey Alexander

  delivered ran too deep. It was his lot in life, the way Ares had made him, a man born to make a woman obey.

  He rubbed his length deep into her warm, hugging pussy, aware of her clit, swollen and seeking ecstasy once again. Hungry little wanton.

  He dipped to nip his teeth across her nipple, then lightly bit her neck and slid against her until he could tell she was getting close once more, moaning, whimpering, lifting her body to his, dirty girl —so he glided his cock more deeply against her seeking cunt, until her desperate little cries grew faster, faster, and then he whispered in her ear, “You’d better hope you’re a virgin, my naughty bride, or there will be a whole new hell for you to pay.”

  As she cried out her ecstasy in beautiful high-pitched shrieks that fueled his desire, he rammed his cock inside her.

  Warm. Deep. Her anguished cries—the pleasure of coming or the pain of entry, he wasn’t sure —permeated him. But she was a virgin. His bride was a virgin. Lucky for her. And shockingly satisfying for him. No cock but his had ever sunk into this cunt before.

  She belonged to him already, and she would come to understand the depth of that belonging much more—but this was something separate and apart from that. Her pussy was his, only his. Forever.


  Master of Desire

  Chapter Four

  Teesia lay shocked and wrenched beneath Ralen. Her lips trembled, but she would not cry—she simply would not. The orgasm had been…well, painful, given the mighty thrust inside her, and yet, still joyfully satisfying even amid the pain. Just like when he snapped the crop against her. Just like when he bit her nipple, or her lip. Joy and pain at


  Now she went still, waiting, wondering what was next.

  Oh, drat it all, tears threatened. She closed her eyes to ward them off, then turned her head to one side so he wouldn’t see, but she still felt one lone tear leak free to roll down her cheek.

  Her husband stayed still within her, and when she felt the tender swipe of histhumb blotting away the tear, she opened her eyes in surprise. She caught the hint of a tender look before he shifted his gaze from hers, and to her further shock, her heart warmed toward him just slightly.

  When his teeth closed gently over her collarbone, she couldn’t hold in her soft moan, and when he started to move inside her she realized that—oh Ares!—the pain was gone. Incredible fullness replaced it. Impossible fullness. A tightness that made her grit her teeth as he began delivering short, slow thrusts.

  Despite such unimaginable tightness, she no longer suffered the blinding pain that had sliced into her in that first moment. Now, she wanted him in her body, welcomed

  him. Had her arms been free, she’d have wrapped them around him, pulled him as close as she could. Her husband, the brute.

  As his thrusts lengthened slightly, pressing deeper into her cunt, she began to cry out again with each. Pleasure? Pain? Ares above, she was beginning to wonder if there was a difference.

  “Say the name of your master, the name of the man who fucks you and owns you,

  the man who owns your ripe little pussy.”

  “Ralen,” she breathed. Somehow, as his name left her, she felt her cunt contract

  around him. “Ralen. Ralen.”

  He fucked her deeper, and she wanted to say his name yet again. “Ralen. Oh, Ralen.

  Yes, Ralen. Ralen.”

  When she least expected it, his massive cock left her body and she looked up to seeit in his hand, still pointing toward her cunt. As he let his head drop back with a deep,guttural groan, a stream of white-hot fluid shot onto her bared pussy, making her gasp in surprise. Another followed, and another, and a fourth, the last arcing onto her belly.


  Lacey Alexander

  She peered down at it as best she could given her chains, her lips trembling in awe. Oh Ares—Bella had told her about this, but mere words could not describe it. So wet onher, a tangible part of him, a pleasurable assault she hadn’t seen coming, and it left her feeling a strange, binding sort of intimacy with him that she hadn’t up to now. Even ifhe hated her.

  And then—oh, yes—Ralen’s big hands came, his fingers firmly rubbing, massaging the warm wetness into her skin, into her cunt. The sensation moved all through her like a living thing, and a moan echoed from deep inside her.

  His large hands continued to press into her, fingertips smoothing the white fluidinto her clit as she watched, making her hot, hotter, with each circular motion, until her breath came heavy again and she was rising, lifting herself from the table to meet his touch, thinking of this amazing liquid part of him being massaged into her body until…oh Ares—yes, yes, yes! “Ralen!” she cried as yet another powerful orgasm pumped through her, racking her within her chains, sending her into uncontrollable

  spasms, until finally she dropped limp and exhausted onto the padded table once more.

  * * * * *

  When Teesia awoke, she was surprised she’d actually slept. Looking to her right, she found Ralen slumbering on the ornate bed across the room. To her consternation, she remained fastened to the table, arms and legs outstretched. She couldn’t helpsnarling at her sleeping husband while he couldn’t see her doing so. Merciless barbarian!

  He’d re-laced his pants, so that unbelievable cock of his was once again hidden. Herstomach went hollow remembering the sheer size of it. And that he’d managed to get it inside her! And that—dear Ares—the brute had actually made her come three incredible times. Even amid the punishment she’d taken so valiantly.

  Maybe because there were moments when it didn’t exactly feel like punishment? Certainly, his control over her was punishment—turning her head to look from one bound wrist to the other, she could scarcely believe her husband had chained her to atable on their wedding night! But, despite her anger, she had experienced undeniable pleasure.

  And she had said his name. Every time he asked. Sometimes when he hadn’t asked. She supposed she’d done everything exactly as he wished.

  Which was good, she reminded herself, for to refuse might have brought much more brutal treatment, such as she couldn’t even fathom. This was bearable.

  Maybe. If he unchained her soon. If he took her to his bed.

  The truth was, she’d say his name and be his slave and willingly submit to him over and over again if he’d free her from the table and treat her just a little as a husbandshould treat a wife. She gazed back at him across the candlelit room, wishing.


  Master of Desire

  Then she lay her head back, tired, her muscles sore and stretched. She yanked helplessly at her bracelets and ankle cuffs—such pretty and deceptive torture devices—rattling the chains that held her.

  A stirring across the room drew her attention back to her husband—she watched as he gave a leisurely stretch, drawing her gaze to all the hard muscles on his arms and chest before he rose and padded toward her.

  “Lift your ass.” No greeting, no surprise she was awake and waiting for his next instruction.

  With little choice, she obeyed.

  Reaching to one of the pegs on the wall, he drew down a slender almost delicate-looking chain, constructed of wide links formed from ultra-thin gold. He slid it around her waist, then hooked it in front, just below her navel. She lowered herself back to the table, as it was difficult to lift at all, let alone stay that way. Just as she noticed that aconsiderable length of the gold links remained after being hooked around her torso, the excess falling ticklishly between her thighs, Ralen said, “Again,” leaving her no choice but to comply.

  When she lifted this time, he stretched the remaining chain between her legs, through her pussy, and up the valley of her rear, attaching it to the links that crossed her lower back. She tensed at the pressure it delivered. It was not painfully tight, but rubbed against every exposed part of her cunt, as well as her anus, at even the slightest move. She quickly realized that drawing in her b
reath alleviated the awareness, but letting it out immediately brought it back, even accentuating the sensation. Dear Ares,what was the man doing to her?

  Next, he went to the shelves on the wall and returned with two little rings, made of the same thin gold as the chain—only these rings were smaller in circumference than the chain links, and they were connected by a much thinner, tightly linked chain, thesort artisans might use to fashion a necklace. Only then did it hit her—Ralen was so wealthy that even his sexual tools were made of the finest, most expensive materials known to man! It somehow made her tense further to realize the value of what stretched across her cunt.

  She watched as he bent over her with the tiny gold rings. He used his fingers to pryone of them apart—allowing her to see it was not a true circle, the thin gold not soldered together. He then pressed the open ring around her nipple—grown shamefully erect from the chain stretched between her thighs. She nearly held her breath, waiting for whatever would come next, then flinched when he squeezed the gold back into a tighter, tinier circle at the base of the pink bud. Her nipple grew even stiffer in response and she felt the ring’s tight caress deep within her breast. She bit her lip, watching as he attached the other ring in the same manner, leaving the thin chain connecting them to droop slightly between the peaks.


  Lacey Alexander

  When Ralen moved to one corner of the table, working at the thick chain that held her wrist, she thought—finally, sweet release! She’d been bound to the table for only a few hours, but it felt much longer and she yearned to be free.

  As he stepped away, to the other wrist, she lowered her aching arm, thinking it had indeed been unbound. But not so. He’d only loosened the chain, adding slack and length so that she could move more freely—yet she was still shackled to the table, his captive.

  She pulled in her breath, trying not to explode in rage or crumple in tears. Her heart yearned desperately for home. For her mother. Or her sisters. For Bella. Another woman who would feel her anguish, understand her pain.

  She thought of them as she sadly lowered her other arm to her side, trying to ease the tight ache in her muscles, her thoughts centering particularly on her mother. Everyone knew how strong and smart Jalal was. And everyone always said Teesia took after her. So she imagined her mother’s voice whispering in her ear. You must be strongnow, daughter. You must persevere. You can do this.

  As Ralen went about loosening the chains at her ankles the same way, she gathered her courage and asked a question she hoped would not anger him. “The links between my legs,” she said softly. “And the rings at my breasts. What are they for?”

  He didn’t bother looking up from his adjustment of the last chain. “They will keep you in a state of arousal until I decide your training is through.”

  She sucked in her breath, then let it back out, suffering a fresh awareness of the thin circles of metal stretching through her pussy—the very arousal he ordained for her. She tried to sound calm as she asked, “How shall I sleep?”

  This time he met her gaze, his glimmering wickedly. “With dirty dreams, vixen.”

  “And I am to stay chained?”

  “I wouldn’t want you running away when we’ve only just begun,” he said, thenpicked up his earlier discarded shirt, walked to the door, and left her there without even a goodbye or a goodnight.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Ralen visited the stables to check on two mares soon to deliverfoals, and spoke to his stablemaster about current breeding plans for some of the horsesin his carefully pieced-together herd.

  He went for a short ride on his beloved black stallion, Charger, taking the horsedown to the beach to gallop along the shore. The sounds of seabirds and the rolling tidealways relaxed him. Well, as much as a man with a raging erection could be relaxed. Thoughts of his brazen little bride buffeted him as dependably as the waves buffeted the shore below Charelton Fortress.

  Ares, but she was an orgasmic little thing— he’d nearly lost count of how manytimes he’d made her come. It didn’t take much—a thought which at once aroused and

  disturbed him.


  Master of Desire

  Disturbed him because it made him remember the night of their first meeting—she’d come easily then, too. It forced him to wonder how many other men she’d come for. Even having kept her virginity intact, how could a girl so sensual and excitable have possibly kept herself from other men, given her eagerness in Rawley? He still hadno choice but to draw the same conclusion—she hadn’t.

  I will control you. I will. There was no other alternative in Ralen’s mind. For if he did not control the things and people in his midst, mightn’t they somehow control him? Hesighed, drawn back to a much darker place in time, where he’d lived in fear and anger, where a leather strap had been his punishment for any and every offense, slicing intohis skin, making him feel trapped, caged, crazed to escape. The rush of memoriesbarreled down through him, settling low in his belly, until he pushed them away. That was the past. Keep it there.

  He supposed disciplining his young bride had brought it to mind.

  Good for her, he thought, letting a wicked grin form, that he chose to mete out discipline in a much more pleasurable manner.

  He headed back toward the stables, thinking it was near time for the midday meal.

  His bride would be hungry, too. And he could make that work for him—he could useevery human need she possessed to continue transforming her into his perfect submissive.

  Some time later, he walked into the room where she lay chained, a tray of food in his grasp. Cheese, bread, red berries, peach pudding, a leg of turkey and a large goblet of wine made a hearty meal.

  He lowered the tray onto the end of the padded platform where she lay on her side sleeping. The very sight of her added to the stiffness in his pants. He wondered how many times the chain had stimulated her clit and tiny asshole through the night, and felt deeply pleased to see that her nipples remained hard and pointed even as she slept, thanks to the tight rings that would not allow them to escape, nor allow their sensitivity to fade.

  The jeweled cuffs he’d commissioned for her from an artisan south of Caralon shimmered prettily, reminding him of their wedding yesterday, and that she belonged to him now.

  In body anyway. In soul—soon enough.

  “Wake up, my wanton little bride,” he said, running a hand up her thigh and onto her round ass. He squeezed lightly and she opened her eyes, dark blue in the paledaylight drifting through the windows, almost the color of the blue stones in her bracelets, and a striking contrast to her long, dark billows of hair. “Time for a snack.”

  She blinked repeatedly, as if trying to come awake, and finally pushed to a sitting position, which the slack in the chains allowed. “Wh-what time is it?” she asked groggily.

  “Midday. Did you sleep well?”

  She gave him a look of disbelief. “Not exactly, no.”


  Lacey Alexander

  He quirked a half-smile in her direction. “Perhaps not. But your training period isnot about sleep, vixen.”

  “No, I didn’t figure it was.”

  He gave a wry laugh, then sat up on the table beside her and reached for a wedge of cheese. When he held it up toward her mouth, she reached to take it from him, but he pulled it back. “No,” he said softly, and again moved it to her lips until she understoodshe was not to feed herself.

  Meeting his gaze briefly, she opened her mouth and bit off a chunk of the pale yellow cheese, chewing then swallowing, after which he reached for the goblet. He heldit carefully to her mouth until she took a sip, then he ate a bit of cheese and took a gulp of wine himself.

  “Lie down,” he told her.

  She looked aghast. “That’s all I get? One bite of food?”

  “Lie down.”

  Letting out a sigh, she obeyed, and he took a long moment to study her lovely nudebody before he parted her legs to kneel between them. “Be a g
ood girl and maybe Iwon’t have to tighten the chains. Can you do that?”

  She looked uncertain for a brief moment, then gave a short nod. Good. Acquiescing on her own was a promising start toward total submission.

  “Raise your ass,” he instructed, eyes on her cunt. It looked wet and inviting, even with the sizable gold links curving through the pink flesh. When she lifted, he reached around to unhook the chain from the back, at the same time unable to resist raking his tongue quickly through the moisture between her thighs.

  She moaned and seemed unable to keep her ass off the table any longer, even given the loose bindings that allowed for easy movement, quickly dropping back to the leather padding with a sigh.

  He felt her gaze as he released his cock from his leather lacings, and liked when he sensed her tensing at the sight of it, even now, as if she hadn’t seen it before.

  “Part your legs wider.”

  She bit her lip nervously, then followed the instruction. At that, he reached under her, his hands closing warm around her ass and pulling her toward him until her pussy met the hard ridge of his shaft. “Oh!” she said on a rough groan.

  “Tell me you want it inside you.”

  She nodded, her lips trembling prettily. “Yes. I want it inside me.”

  He contained a cynical chuckle as he playfully asked, “Is it big enough for mywanton little bride?”

  This nod came more vigorously. “So big. Unbelievably big. I couldn’t have



  Master of Desire

  He let the laughter out, pleased by her answer. Then he used his hand to guide theshaft to her opening, pushing, pushing, not one swift drive like last night, but insteadprodding her body to accept his cock on its own. She moaned at each thrust, and moaned deeper when he slid all the way in.